We aim to deliver products in excellent condition and at the earliest possible. Shipping charges are payable only if the order value is below the minimal mentioned amount. If the order is cancelled before dispatch, lost in transit or un-delivered to your preferred location, we will refund the complete order amount including any shipping charges. If you cancel part of the order, shipping charges will not be refunded. If you return an order delivered to you, the original shipping charges will not be refunded.

How long does it take for an Order to be Delivered to me?

We deliver most of our orders within 5-7 business days for Within India and for Abroad 10-15 business days from the date of order.

How are the orders placed on Delivered to me?

All orders placed on are dispatched through our courier partners.

Short Delivery/Product Not Received

In case the customer does not receive a complete order/receive less items than ordered, he/she needs to share the images of the same along with the invoice to the customer care email id mentioned. We will take up to 10 days’ time to inspect the gap and take action accordingly. Once the issue is identified, we will either refund the amount or ship the product.

Please Note: The delivery timeframe mentioned is an estimate, actual delivery time depends upon the availability of the product, address where the order needs to be delivered and any other circumstances that might affect delivery. You can rest assured that you are completely protected as a shopper at You always have a choice to cancel your order due to shipment delay beyond the estimated delivery time by contacting us for online orders at

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